Over the course of this year this blog has been visited by students from Dr John Strange’s EDM 310 class. When the first student commented here I was amazed that my blog was chosen. I don’t see my blog as being anything unusual – it’s really a way of reflecting on my own teaching practice.
To the students from EDM310 who visit – welcome.
Thanks for taking some time to read and comment on my blog. Please feel free to ask me questions about anything you don’t understand – even if it’s why I’ve done something in a particular way. I don’t have all the answers but what I do have is a wide group of people who are my PLN – I communicate with them through blogging, twitter, email, skype etc. Collectively we work together to be the best, most passionate teachers we can be.
I hope your Summer course is one that will be life-changing for you. I look forward to your comments/questions/blog posts.
Perhaps I should explain the ‘dragonsinger’. Many years ago, before the internet was around, I was an active participant on BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) and needed to find a nickname. I had been reading the Anne McCaffrey series ‘Dragonriders of Pern‘. Menolly is the main character on the ‘Dragonsinger: Harper of Pern‘ book. She is a woman, singer, musician and teacher. Because I fit all those characteristics I realised that I’d found my online nickname.